Presentation to community of Ebenezer Presbyterian Evangelical Church (15 August 2016, Díli, Timor-Leste)

Maritime Boundary Office was invited to give a short briefing on the progress of the talk on the maritime boundaries with Indonesia and Australia. There were about 50 participants were presents from different municipalities in Timor-Leste. The communities were very supportive of the government’s decision through their prayers. They have confidence in the Chief Negotiator. […]

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Visit from Laos Delegation (11 August 2016, Maritime Boundary Office, Palácio do Governo, Díli, Timor-Leste)

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Maritime Boundary Office, Elizabeth Exposto briefed a delegation from the Laos Ministry of Foreign Affairs about Timor-Leste’s pursuit of maritime boundaries.. The CEO talked about the history of Timor-Leste’s fight for independence and provided an update of the compulsory conciliation process with Australia. The delegation from Laos noted they […]

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Meeting with Deputy Chief of Mission of the US Embassy to Timor-Leste (10 August 2016, Maritime Boundary Office, Palácio do Governo, Díli, Timor-Leste)

As the new Deputy Chief of Mission of the US Embassy to Timor-Leste, Ms. JL LittleJohn visited Maritime Boundary Office for a briefing on the history and the background to why Timor-Leste is pursuing its maritime boundaries with its two neighbours: Indonesia and Australia.

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Meeting of the Council for the Final Delimitation of the Maritime Boundaries (8 August 2016, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dili, Timor-Leste)

The Council for the Final Delimitation of the Maritime Boundaries, chaired by the Prime Minister Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo was held today at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The meeting was to inform the members of the Consultative Commission on the progress of the Compulsory Conciliation with Australia that was initiated by Timor-Leste in April 2016. […]

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Conference “Legal Order in the World’s Oceans: UN Convention on the Law of the Sea” (27-28 June 2016, UN Headquarters, New York City, USA)

Maritime Boundary Office attended the 40th Annual Conference of the Centre for Oceans Law & Policy. The two day conference covered various topics including Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea and International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) and its contribution to the law of the sea.

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